

LM35 Temperature Sensor

  • LM35 is a temperature measuring device having an analog output voltage proportional to the temperature.
  • It provides output voltage in Centigrade (Celsius). It does not require any external calibration circuitry.
  • The sensitivity of LM35 is 10 mV/degree Celsius. As temperature increases, output voltage also increases.

            E.g. 250 mV means 25°C.

  • It is a 3-terminal sensor used to measure surrounding temperature ranging from -55 °C to 150 °C.
  • LM35 gives temperature output which is more precise than thermistor output.


Pin Description

LM35 pins

VCC: Supply Voltage (4V – 30V)

Out: It gives analog output voltage which is proportional to the temperature (in degree Celsius).

GND: Ground

Application Setup

LM35 application setup
